How to fix WMIC.exe Error within windows 11 dev builds

How to fix WMIC.exe Error within windows 11 dev builds

First off windows officially removed WMIC.exe from windows!


Last updated 20211215: new fixes and options, google drive link, neo4j fix

I'm running Windows 11 Insider Preview 22494.1000 currently  (20211108)

What this change breaks:

  • firefox and other browser detection

What I've tired:

Microsoft removed the WMIC tool from Windows 11 Dev builds
If you often use the good old classic WMIC tool, here is a bit of bad news. The Redmond software giant deprecated it in Windows 10 version 21H1, and even

Try #2

WMIC unter Windows 11 weiterhin nutzen (aktuell Dev-Version)
Microsoft räumt weiter unter Windows 11 auf und entfernt alte Dinge, die nicht mehr weiterentwickelt werden. In der Windows 11 22483 (und höher) hat es nun WMIC (Windows Management Instrumentation …

The WMIC.exe is in the folder c:\windows\system32\wbem\

  • WMIC.exe.mui in the folder c:\windows\system32\wbem\en-US\
seams more promising

Update this doesnt work!

Fing MS does it again!

Fix for what i was trying to do : install neo4j

Install Stuck at “Please choose path ...” on [Windows 11 dev build] · Issue #116 · neo4j-devtools/neo4j-desktop
Neo4j Version version 1.4.9 Expected behavor being abel to click "confirm" and select default location for store application data on first load of application install Error nothing happen...

for the lazy heres the precompiled hack fix for this

GitHub - wisehackermonkey/wmic-fix
Contribute to wisehackermonkey/wmic-fix development by creating an account on GitHub.
npm install -g pkg
echo 'console.log("Caption  FreeSpace    Size");
console.log("C:       23770869760  63758659584");' > wbem.js
pkg -t  win  wbem.js





that didnt work ;/

I tried swithcing to wmic instead

pkg -t  win  wmic.js

try number 2


thanks @feckardt (Frank)

To future people: warning this wmic is used by other system stuff, and you could bork some shit, you have been warned! :)

my exe's for the lazy
or if your a good parionid dev, you can replicate my stuff.....

Update: 20211215

I found a older copy of wmic.exe on my new pc, and copied it here for future reference. I tried finding some old versions but it was missing somethings, and i couldn't get it to work :/

Here's a more up to date versions that is less sketchy

wmic_blog_post - Google Drive
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have fun fixing your linux machine HAHA

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