Random Borning Crap volume: 10? idk: We work financal report with the SEC 2019

Random Borning Crap volume: 10? idk: We work financal report with the SEC 2019


question: how do they make any money?

this one is intreseting. the assumption here is that companies dont want to lease spaces but are willing to pay for the flexability of a company like we being the landlord

complex corprate stucture.

interesting is the bottom half.
how chinaCo. is not a wholly-owned companies. but joint ventures.


Management fee based on revenue from the applicable joint venture. ChinaCo, PacificCo and JapanCo are consolidated in the consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this prospectus. 4% of the JapanCo management fee is held by JapanCo and used to reimburse sales and marketing expenses incurred by SoftBank.

interesting that the managment fees. not sure exactly what that is for.

wonder where softbank fits in the higherarchy.

4% of the JapanCo management fee is held by JapanCo and used to reimburse sales and marketing expenses incurred by SoftBank.


this is cool they use computers to find next location for finding office space!

also looks like the have automated the aquasion process for relastate

Woah this is interesting

they did what i was thinking. they spun off the automation platform for realistate into its own thing.


looks like they have alot of unaudited finial statements. wonder if they are fudging the numbers. probibly not . because its a scc filing. but would be a jucy story if so.


thats all fokes!


by oran collins

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