R2D2 Sounding (Beeb Boop) File Sharing protocol using sound!
I found this really cool file sharing protocol that use tv robot beep boop sounds and WebRTC to share files!

I found this really cool file sharing protocol that use tv robot beep boop sounds and WebRTC to share files!

Open this page
on multiple devices on the same network
and click "init"
and you can share files!

From the repo "Serverless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound"
this is the only REAL use of the term 'Serverless' 🤣
The github repo for the curious
Sidebar Georgi Gerganov wrote LLAMA.CPP! good stuff
History: Chirp protocol

I found this really cool project a few years ago called chirpweb, it was a method that sonos speakers use to transmit data.
but because sonos bought the project all the code became closed source 😭. this was the only project i found that could do it.
chirp.io 😭 -forwards--to—>https://www.sonos.com/
link: https://github.com/wisehackermonkey/chirpweb (my forked one with better docs)
Live demo website

its really limited. and error correction is S#@%. which sucks because its really cool.
This is where wave-share comes in!
it has better error correction and has a cool demo of doing file transfer. and makes best use of this type of short packet over modulated chirps!
Steal This idea
this would be a great way to configure IoT Devices for the first time.
so cute! the idea of the two machines 'talking' to eachother is really cool! and also fairly practical!
if someone wants to build something like this message me and lets talk!


by oran collins