How to collate all my online data! Graphs Galore!

My is goal is to combine all my data i generate online into one source

How to collate all my online data! Graphs Galore!

Im trying out timeliner  : All your digital life on a single timeline, stored locally

goal is to combine all my data i generate online into one source

cd ~
git clone
cd timeliner

how to install go

How to Install GoLang (Go Programming Language) in Linux

error and fix for go install

didnt have gcc i used tdm-gcc which worked!

cd cmd/timeliner
go build
./timeliner -h

how to add sms backup (android only) to my timeliner database

Data Source: SMS Backup & Restore · mholt/timeliner Wiki

timeliner add-account smsbackuprestore/1234567890
timeliner add-account smsbackuprestore/1234567890

/mnt/c/Users/oranm/github/timeliner/cmd/timeliner/timeliner add-account smsbackuprestore/1234567890

/mnt/c/Users/oranm/github/timeliner/cmd/timeliner/timeliner import /mnt/c/Users/oranm/Downloads/sms-20210314004348.xml smsbackuprestore/1234567890

 mkdir ~/time_line_dir
 cp sms-20210314004348.xml ~/time_line_dir/
 cd ~/time_line_dir/

How to Add a Directory to Your $PATH in Linux

export PATH=/mnt/c/Users/oranm/github/timeliner/cmd/timeliner/:$PATH
source $HOME/.profile
timeliner -h

timeliner add-account smsbackuprestore/1234567890
timeliner import /home/wisemonkey/time_line_dir/sms-20210314004348.xml smsbackuprestore/1234567890

how to add google location history

go to

how to view outputed sqlite database SQLite Viewer

timeliner add-account google_location/<GMAILADDR>
timeliner add-account google_location/[email protected]

timeliner import /path/to/ google_location/[email protected]

timeliner import /home/wisemonkey/time_line_dir/ google_location/[email protected]

timeliner import ./ google_location/[email protected]
an error i got, turns out i was trying to import a .zip instead of a .json!
rename from "Location History.json"
To "location_history.json"
timeliner import ./location_history.json google_location/[email protected]
run the import command
setting up a config file for connections to oauth services EX: facebook, or twitter 
change "YOUR_APP_ID" here
dont forget to add the facebook account here
timeliner add-account facebook/<USERNAME FACEBOOK>
C:/Users/github/timeliner/cmd/timeliner/timeliner.exe add-account facebook/<FACEBOOK ACCOUNT> -config "timeliner.toml"
C:/Users/github/timeliner/cmd/timeliner/timeliner.exe -v get-all facebook/<FACEBOOK ACCOUNT>

how to view sqlite database in the browser

SQLite Viewer

If you want to help me out and give some donations here's my monero address: 432ZNGoNLjTXZHz7UCJ8HLQQsRGDHXRRVLJi5yoqu719Mp31x4EQWKaQ9DCQ5p2FvjQ8mJSQHbD9WVmFNhctJsjkLVHpDEZ I use a tracker that is pravicy focused so if you block its cool, im big on blocking stuff on my own machine. im doing it to see if anyone is actualy reading my blog posts...:)