Free Dockerbased Simple website tracking: how to (WIP) 20210325

Free Dockerbased Simple website tracking: how to (WIP) 20210325

Im going to use a docker container

Open Web Analytics docker image based on Alpine Linux - vladk1m0/docker-owa

Fallowing this tutorial from the `Open-Web-Analytics` github page

Tracker · Open-Web-Analytics/Open-Web-Analytics Wiki

ERROR "could not get container for my-mysql"? hmm..

new tactick

cd ~ 
git clone
cd docker-owa
cat >.env <<EOF

docker-compose up
# run in background
docker-compose up -d


change time zone

List of tz database time zones - Wikipedia

also changed the port number to :18080 instead of :8080

docker-compose up

go to localhost:18080

If you want to help me out and give some donations here's my monero address: 432ZNGoNLjTXZHz7UCJ8HLQQsRGDHXRRVLJi5yoqu719Mp31x4EQWKaQ9DCQ5p2FvjQ8mJSQHbD9WVmFNhctJsjkLVHpDEZ I use a tracker that is pravicy focused so if you block its cool, im big on blocking stuff on my own machine. im doing it to see if anyone is actualy reading my blog posts...:)