RFID hand implant door opening: Saga/review
RFID hand implant door opening: Saga/review
Last Updated 20210705

Review for:
Laxre RFID, Fingerprint, Bluetooth Door Lock - Amazon.com
TL;DR Great if you are just using rfid and finger print reader, touch buttons are useable but not great if you are at night and need to get in quickly.
- good as rfid reader
- fingerprint reader responsive and easy to use.
- button interface is hard to tell if im pressing the correct button, there is no tacktile feedback.(note: just use the finger print reader and rfid, and you should be good).
- easy, ive tried 1 other door lock, and this is the better of the two in interms of install.Didnt try the app.Didnt try alexa integration.
Why I returned mine.
I really liked the finger print reader.
I'm trying to find a reader that works for
Dangerousthings NExT RFID + NFC hand implant
I was saddened that this one was not working with the 13.56MHz for my hand inplant.I'm going to buy a 125kHz RFID instead
The impplant has two radios in side
- NTAG216 13.56MHz ISO14443A NFC chip
- T5577 125kHz RFID chip (preprogrammed EM41xx 40 bit ID)
NExT RFID + NFC Chip Implant | RFID & NFC Chip Implants and Biohacking products
2021 UPDATE! Got it working!
I had to go head and hack my door lock (try number 2!)
How i got it working!

Control board is actually comes part of the rfid implant kit from dangerous things kit! it just took 3 door locks to find the easies hackable one :|
xEM Access Controller v2 ($24.00)

I set the controller to use the 5 second timeout

by oran collins
oranbusiness🕳gmail ($) com