Cool People/Engineers/Blogs

List of awesome makers/inventors/bloggers/thought workers I've came across in my travels through the interwebz!
Last updated: 20211220
In no particular order:
Redblob Games (Amit Patel)
amazing interactive code examples
Red Blob Games
Interactive tutorials for math and algorithms

Info: [email protected] @redblobgamesblogRSS
Recommended post:
Red Blob Games: Introduction to A*
Interactive tutorial for A*, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, and other pathfinding algorithms

Justine Haupt
amazing engineer and researcher.
Portfolio and Miscellaneous
Justine Haupt’s portfolio and miscellaneous stuff.

Recommended post
Rotary Un-Smartphone
Rotary Cell Phone Kit

How a Space Engineer Justine Haupt Made Her Own Rotary Cell Phone | WIRED
Jeri Ellsworth
Founder of this cool alternative virtual reality googles for table top games
Tilt Five | Reinventing Game Night
Jeri Ellsworth
Jeri Ellsworth documents her amateur science experiments.
Jeri Ellsworth - Wikipedia

Ben krasnow (Applied Science on youtube)
Ben Krasnow

Ben Krasnow

by oran collins
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