Log out of only one google account on browser [Workaround]
I was trying to logout of one of my multiple google accounts and they only had the option to log out of ALL accounts which is annoying...
I was trying to logout of one of my multiple google accounts and they only had the option to log out of ALL accounts which is annoying...
here's the fix
login to gmail's "Load Basic HTML" version
which is found on the loading screen for gmail.

this drops you into the old version of gmail which has the missing "LOGOUT" button

this loads up a page that looks like this, Now you can click 'remove' account like they used to have on this page

Hope that was helpfull to someone!
If that doesnt work try using this alternet workaround
How to Sign Out of One Google Account on your Computer
by Mayur Agarwal March 16, 2021
by oran c