mullvad authentication: Lets face it accounts creation kinda really sucks.
a new revolutionary simple idea for chainging how we do online accounts championed by mullvad vpn

Lets face it creating accounts kinda really sucks.
The push by big tech is 2FA 😱.
After I got locked out of more accounts than id be happy to admit.
2FA really sucks. assuming you'll have the same phone number for your whole life is just wrong and bad.
Other methods ive seen:
Magic Link
example: Slack
Pro: its easy.
Con: Hard to login on new computer without my email account logged in.
CON: requires trust in one company EX: google, yahoo or QQ
Hardware Auth Keys:
Con: Costs money
Con: easy to loose
Con: not all computers have required usb c port or usb A port 😔
Kinda a middle man between password auth and password managers
CON: requires trust in one company
Seed Phrase:
Con: totally not practical for any humans to remember
THE Solution:
Mullvad Authentication
Example of it in action

Its just a big long unique string.
9999 9999 9999 9999
Thats it.
okay? but why is this interesting and worth switching to?
Takes 1 second to create an account
Click Create account
See how much data on a basic website you need to enter every dam time! Email, phone, password, name first, last. rights to first born child 😆

simple to implement:
No email, no passwords just one strong signin token.
But what if someone signs into my account? cant they steal my shit?
Nope! the account doenst have anything to steal.
no name
no credit card details
No idieifing information.
here's my account for example

Key point:
Vast majority of apps only need to know who
is using it. not who they are
Dont store user identity data. only store user action data
This reduces the risk of hacking by a thousand fold.
Makes account creation super super fast.
Click button get account. no checking email for spam. no logging backinto gmail.
Who is using Mullvad Authentication?
Parsify ( a small notepad-based calculator)

Parsify® — notepad-based calculator
Parsify is a next generation, notepad-based calculator, built with extendibility and privacy in mind. It supports advances math, variables, user-defined units, custom plugins, and much more. We support major desktop operating systems, that is, macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Creating a account was less than 1 second. click button. now i have a account

They have a cool way of doing public accounts by taking first 9 digits of the secret key and using that as the public account name

Log in / Register - Anna’s Archive
The world’s largest open-source open-data library. Mirrors Sci-Hub, Library Genesis, Z-Library, and more.
note this link will most linkly be broken in the future because of the nature of this legal gray area project
Honerable mentions:
(i dont condone actions or content of this website. use here for example only)

great mullvad writeup about Logic behind its creation
here is a great writeup by the logic behind why mullvad created this system
Mullvad’s account numbers get longer – and safer
As of today, we are increasing the length of our account numbers to 16 digits. Customers with 12- or 13-digit numbers can continue using the service without taking any action.

Call to arms!

YOU! yes you (if your a dev)
try implementing mullvad auth for you next app.
your users will love you
please send me a message saying that you got inspired by this post!
here my mode of communication

Basic Requirments for mullvad auth compliance:
1) Bigass random String
1234 1234 1234 1234
Min: 16 digits min Max 1024 digits
2) Account has NO personal Data
DO allow them to put recovery info but dont require it.
Thanks for reading!

by oran collins