Data visualization: How math terms relate to each other
I made a graph of a big list of math terms and used Wikipedia's links to relate them dynamically itperfects not perfict but it sure is beautiful!

I made a graph of a big list of math terms and used Wikipedia's links to relate them dynamically itperfects not perfict but it sure is beautiful!
Note: the app is made by this person Xefer link found here

Lets Look a bit closer on some things:

convex set

what this graph reveals is informational grouping
about data.
for example:
I don't know what convex set is but I do know what geometry is and what Arithmetic means so I can guess by the structure its something to do with geometric math stuff
Where it breaks down

What is the correct answer here? as a human i only know from context what the anwser is.
I think that this model of mapping human understanding to a graph tree structure is a great way for computers to get a good understanding of human language
Play with the graph for yourself
1) Go to this link

2) paste this big string into the search box and click submit
abstract algebra, algebra, algebraic expression, algebraic equation, algorithm, amicable numbers, analytic (Cartesian) geometry, analysis (mathematical analysis), arithmetic, associative property, asymptote, axiom, base n, Bayesian probability, bell curve, bijection, binomial, binomial coefficients, Boolean algebra or logic, calculus (infinitesimal calculus), calculus of variations, cardinal numbers, Cartesian coordinates, coefficients, combinatorics, complex dynamics, complex number, composite number, congruence, conic section, continued fraction, coordinate, coordinate plane, correlation, cubic equation, decimal number, deductive reasoning or logic, derivative, descriptive geometry, differential equation, differential geometry, differentiation, Diophantine equation, distributive property, element, ellipse, elliptic geometry, empty (null) set, Euclidean geometry, expected value, exponentiation, factor, factorial, Fermat primes, Fibonacci numbers (series), finite differences, formula, Fourier series, fraction, fractal, function, game theory, Gaussian curvature, geometry, golden ratio (golden mean, divine proportion), graph theory, group, group theory, Hilbert problems, hyperbola, hyperbolic geometry, identity, imaginary numbers, inductive reasoning or logic, infinite series, infinitesimal, infinity, integers, integral, integration, irrational numbers, Julia set, knot theory, least squares method, limit, line, linear equation, linear regression, logarithm, logic, logicism, magic square, Mandelbrot set, manifold, matrix, Mersenne number, Mersenne primes, method of exhaustion, modular arithmetic, modulus, monomial, natural numbers, negative numbers, non-commutative algebra, non-Euclidean geometry, normal (Gaussian) distribution, number line, number theory, ordinal numbers, parabola, paradox, partial differential equation, Pascal’s Triangle, perfect number, periodic function, permutation, pi (π), place value, Platonic solids, polar coordinates, polynomial, prime numbers, projective geometry, plane, probability theory, Pythagoras’ (Pythagorean) theorem, Pythagorean triples, quadratic equation, quadrature, quartic equation, quaternions, quintic equation, rational numbers, real numbers, reciprocal, Riemannian geometry, right triangle, self-similarity, sequence, set, significant digits, simultaneous equations, slope, spherical geometry, spherical trigonometry, subset, surd, symmetry, tensor, term, theorem, topology, transcendental number, transfinite numbers, triangular number, trigonometry, trinomial, type theory, vector, vector space, Venn diagram, Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, Zeta function
source: but stripped and cleaned up a bit with one of my projects Text Processor
3) wait forever for it to load 😋
and....Boom done!

Unrelated. but cool example of dispirit branches.

by oran collins