cellular automata

i made a program for generating cellular automata

cellular automata

I made a program that generates CA cellular automata. turns out its called wolfram

 Stephen Wolfram studied this in the 80's.

Elementary Cellular Automaton -- from Wolfram MathWorld
The simplest class of one-dimensional cellular automata. Elementary cellular automata have two possible values for each cell (0 or 1), and rules that depend only on nearest neighbor values. As a result, the evolution of an elementary cellular automaton can completely be described by a table specifyi…

the different patterns are just different repesentations of binary numbers from 0-255 (0000 0000 - 1111 1111)

Rule 30 is the most popular (binary 00011110 = decimal 30)

the code

GitHub - wisehackermonkey/celular-automata
Contribute to wisehackermonkey/celular-automata development by creating an account on GitHub.

the interesting bit

code is processing.org python mode

def calc_grid():
    global current_row
    global rule
    if current_row < height - 1:
        next_row = [0] * width
        for i in range(width):
            if i == 0:
                next_row[i] = grid[current_row][i+1]
            elif i == width - 1:
                next_row[i] = grid[current_row][i-1]
                window = grid[current_row][i-1:i+2]
                if window == [1, 1, 1]:
                    next_row[i] = rule[0]
                elif window == [1, 1, 0]:
                    next_row[i] = rule[1]
                elif window == [1, 0, 1]:
                    next_row[i] = rule[2]
                elif window == [1, 0, 0]:
                    next_row[i] = rule[3]
                elif window == [0, 1, 1]:
                    next_row[i] = rule[4]
                elif window == [0, 1, 0]:
                    next_row[i] = rule[5]
                elif window == [0, 0, 1]:
                    next_row[i] = rule[6]
                elif window == [0, 0, 0]:
                    next_row[i] = rule[7]
        grid[current_row + 1] = next_row
        current_row += 1


rule = [0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0]

here's how the rules work


Thanks for reading!


by o()r()a()n c()o()l()l()i()n()s

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