Scary Whatsapp Tracking Method (canary tokens)
Just ran across this kinda scary powerful tracking method that can get all the ip's of people on a whatsapp group

Just ran across this kinda scary powerful tracking method that can get all the ip's of people on a whatsapp group
Send a link within a whatsapp group:

Results: geo locations and ip addresses of everyone on the whatsapp group!

How its done
vistit this link
Know. Before it matters
Canarytokens is a free tool that helps you discover you’ve been breached by having attackers announce themselves. The tokens allow you to implant traps around your network and notifies you as soon as they are triggered.

Punch in some data

- put your email address that you want notifcations to be sent to.
- put a message so you can remember which token you created and for what
- put a redirect that looks normal incase someone clicked it
Paste the link you just created into the whatsapp channel

Get the results:

and Bobs your uncle!
- works with slack
- discord (untested)
- whatsapp (bitly doesnt work, but full link does)
- basicilly anywebsite that makes a 'helpful' preview for you
Scary stuff!

More resources
good youtube video on how it works

by oran collins