Random Boring Crap Volume 4: California's Publicly Traded Disclosure Search
I was digging around in the sos.ca.gov's website today and found some really boring stuff! and accidentally some stuff that was amazing!

I was digging around in the sos.ca.gov's website today and found some really boring stuff! and accidentally some stuff that was amazing!
How much the board of apple makes this year!
Apple Inc.

Might come as no supprise to some, but time cook made $14,769,259.00
dollars! which is supprising because the board actually makes way more money
If im reading this right al gore is on the director board of apple!
yep its true!
Former Vice President Al Gore Joins Apple’s Board of Directors - Apple
Backup link incase apple pulls the link Wayback machine link here
Some of the other random people on the board

Apple Leadership - Jeff Williams - Apple
Jeff Williams
Chief Operating Officer
Jeff Williams is Apple’s chief operating officer reporting to CEO Tim Cook. He oversees Apple’s entire worldwide operations, as well as customer service and support.
Nothing really interesting besides the crazy pay check he gets
by oran collins
oranbusiness 🌕 gmail 🕃 com