Weird and Annoying Words in the English Language

English language is full of weird, annoying, and cool words that can be both baffling and fascinating. With a rich vocabulary, we can express ourselves in unique and creative ways. coauthored by ChatGPT

Weird and Annoying Words in the English Language
prompt: DALL·E 2023-02-17 11.24.10 - annoying words, word cloud, synthwave art aesthetic.png

Language is a fascinating phenomenon, and the English language is no exception. It is a rich and complex language with a long and fascinating history. However, it is not without its quirks and idiosyncrasies. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the weirdest and most annoying words in the English language, along with their definitions and etymology.

Annoyingly Spelled Words

  1. Thyme - Thyme is a herb used for cooking. It is spelled with a "y" instead of an "i" for historical reasons, as it was derived from the Old French word "thym" which originally had a "y" in it.

  2. Bye - Bye is a word used to say farewell. Its spelling is annoying because it is pronounced differently from how it is spelled. It is derived from the Old English word "bī" which meant "near".

  3. Neutral - Neutral is a word that describes something that is impartial or unbiased. Its spelling is annoying because it has an "e" in it that is not pronounced. It comes from the Latin word "neuter" which means "neither of two".

  4. Aim - Aim is a word used to describe the intended target of an action. It is spelled with an "i" instead of an "e" for historical reasons, as it comes from the Old French word "esmer" which originally had an "i" in it.

  5. Of - Of is a preposition used to indicate possession or association. Its spelling is annoying because it is a small and common word that is frequently misspelled. It comes from the Old English word "of" which had the same meaning.

  6. Hours - Hours is a word used to measure time. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "h" in it. It comes from the Old English word "ūr" which meant "time".

  7. Occasion - Occasion is a word used to describe a particular event or happening. Its spelling is annoying because it has a double "s" in it that is not pronounced. It comes from the Latin word "occasio" which means "opportunity".

  8. Hyperbole - Hyperbole is a figure of speech used to exaggerate for effect. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "h" in it. It comes from the Greek word "hyperbolē" which means "excess".

  9. Align - Align is a word used to describe the act of lining something up. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "g" in it. It comes from the French word "aligner" which means "to line up".

  10. Jewelry - Jewelry is a word used to describe decorative items worn on the body. Its spelling is annoying because it has a "w" in it that is not pronounced. It comes from the Old French word "jouel" which originally had a "w" in it.

  11. Column - Column is a word used to describe a vertical structure used for support or decoration. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "n" in it. It comes from the Latin word "columna" which means "pillar".

  12. Gneiss - Gneiss is a type of rock formed from metamorphic processes. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "g" in it. It comes from the German word "gneis" which means "sparkling".

  13. Rapport - Rapport is a word used to describe a good relationship or connection between people. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "t" in it. It comes from the French word "rapporter" which means "to

  14. Cache - Cache is a word used to describe a hidden store of goods or information. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "e" in it. It comes from the French word "cacher" which means "to hide".

  15. Furloughed - Furloughed is a word used to describe a temporary leave of absence from work. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "gh" in it. It comes from the Dutch word "verlof" which means "leave of absence".

  16. Emphasize - Emphasize is a word used to describe the act of giving importance to something. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "s" in it. It comes from the Greek word "emphainein" which means "to indicate".

  17. Essential - Essential is a word used to describe something that is necessary or important. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "t" in it. It comes from the Latin word "essentia" which means "being".

  18. Depot - Depot is a word used to describe a place where goods are stored or vehicles are maintained. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "t" in it. It comes from the French word "dépôt" which means "deposit".

  19. Nonetheless - Nonetheless is a word used to indicate that something is true despite what has been said before. Its spelling is annoying because it has a double "s" in it that is not pronounced. It comes from the Middle English phrase "none the less".

  20. Notwithstanding - Notwithstanding is a word used to indicate that something is true despite what has been said before. Its spelling is annoying because it is a long and complicated word. It comes from the Old English phrase "not wiþstondan".

  21. Hawk - Hawk is a word used to describe a bird of prey. Its spelling is annoying because it is spelled the same way as a homophone with a different meaning. It comes from the Old English word "hafoc".

  22. Castle - Castle is a word used to describe a fortified building. Its spelling is annoying because it is spelled the same way as a homophone with a different meaning. It comes from the Latin word "castellum" which means "fortified place".

  23. Curious - Curious is a word used to describe something that is strange or unusual. Its spelling is annoying because it has a "u" that is not pronounced. It comes from the Latin word "curiosus" which means "careful".

  24. Pamphlet - Pamphlet is a word used to describe a small booklet containing information on a particular subject. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "h" in it. It comes from the Greek word "pamphletos" which means "something written for all".

  25. Divvy - Divvy is a word used to describe the act of dividing something up. Its spelling is annoying because it has a rare double "v" in it. It comes from the English slang word "divvie" which means "to divide".

  26. Pneumonia - Pneumonia is a word used to describe an infection of the lungs. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "p" in it. It comes from the Greek word "pneumon" which means "lung".

  27. Syrup - Syrup is a sweet liquid used as a topping or a medicine. Its spelling is annoying because it has a "y" in it that is not pronounced. It comes from the Latin word "syrupus" which means "thick, sweet liquid".

  28. Meme - Meme is a word used to describe an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "e" in it. It comes from the Greek word "mimema" which means "something imitated".

  29. Hatred - Hatred is a word used to describe intense dislike or hostility. Its spelling is annoying because it is missing a silent "e" in it. It comes from the Old English word "hatian" which means "to hate".

  30. Phlegm - Phlegm is a word used to describe the thick mucus that is produced by the respiratory system. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "g" in it. It comes from the Greek word "phlegma" which means "inflammation".

  31. When - When is a word used to ask about a specific time or moment. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "h" in it. It comes from the Old English word "hwenne" which had the same meaning.

  32. Eerie - Eerie is a word used to describe something that is strange or unsettling. Its spelling is annoying because it has a lot of vowels in it. It comes from the Middle English word "eir" which meant "fear".

  33. Building - Building is a word used to describe a structure that is constructed. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "u" in it. It comes from the Old English word "byldan" which meant "to build".

  34. Breathe - Breathe is a word used to describe the act of inhaling and exhaling air. Its spelling is annoying because the final "e" has an actual effect on the pronunciation of the word. It comes from the Old English word "brēathian" which meant "to breathe".

  35. Hygiene - Hygiene is a word used to describe practices that promote health and cleanliness. Its spelling is annoying because it has a silent "g" in it. It comes from the Greek word "hygieinē" which means "healthful".

  36. Apposite - Apposite is a word used to describe something that is relevant or appropriate. Its spelling is interesting because it is the opposite of the word "opposite". It comes from the Latin word "appositus" which means "placed near".

  37. Tchotchke - Tchotchke is a word used to describe a small decorative object. Its spelling is annoying because it is difficult to spell. It comes from the Yiddish word "tshatshke" which means "trinket".

Cool Words

  1. Anxiety - Anxiety is a word used to describe a feeling of worry or unease. Its spelling is cool because it has a unique and interesting shape. It comes from the Latin word "anxietas" which means "anxious".

  2. Backronym - Backronym is a word used to describe an acronym that is created after the fact to fit an existing word or phrase. Its origin is a combination of "backwards" and "acronym".

  3. Ominous - Ominous is a word used to describe something that is threatening or foreboding. Its spelling is cool because it has a lot of vowels in it. It comes from the Latin word "ominosus" which means "full of omen".

  4. Renewal - Renewal is a word used to describe the act of restoring or revitalizing something. Its spelling is cool because it is a phonetic word that sounds exactly like what it means. It comes from the Old French word "renoveler" which means "to renew".

  5. Aviatrix - Aviatrix is a word used to describe a female pilot. Its spelling is cool because it is a feminine form of the word "aviator". It comes from the Latin word "avis" which means "bird".

  6. Demonym - Demonym is a word used to describe a group of people in relation to a particular place. Its origin is a combination of "demos" (people) and "nym" (name).

Funny Words/Interesting

  1. Erection - Erection is a word used to describe the act of raising something up, but it is also used to describe the stiffening of the penis. Its origin is from the Latin word "erigere" which means "to set up, erect".

  2. Airports - Airports are transportation hubs where planes take off and land, but the term "airports" is interesting because it is an updated term for shipping ports but for the sky. It is a cool example of how language evolves over time.

  3. Apricity - Apricity is a word used to describe the warmth of the sun in winter. Its spelling is cool because it is a rare and unique word. It comes from the Latin word "apricus" which means "exposed to the sun".

  4. Reticulated - Reticulated is a word used to describe something that has a net-like pattern. Its spelling is cool because it is a unique and interesting word. It comes from the Latin word "reticulatus" which means "netted".

  5. Potbelly - Potbelly is a word used to describe a large and protruding belly. Its spelling is interesting because it is a compound word that makes a lot of sense once you know the origin. It comes from the fact that old-fashioned cooking pots used to have a rounded shape.

In conclusion

The English language is full of weird and annoying words, as well as cool and interesting ones. Whether we love them or hate them, these words are an essential part of the language, and they provide us with a rich and varied vocabulary. While some words have strange spellings or meanings, others are phonetically pleasing or carry interesting etymologies. Regardless of their quirks, these words are part of what makes English such a dynamic and evolving language. Whether we are using them in casual conversation or in more formal contexts, these words help us to express ourselves in unique and creative ways. So, next time you come across a weird or annoying word, try to appreciate it for its oddities and embrace it as a fascinating part of the English language.

Author + ChatGPT

by oran collins

For the interested here's the chatgpt prompt

- prompt:

 - write a tech blog post covering the topic of weird and annoying words in the english langjage.

- each word will include a definision and etymology (history of the word)

 - List of words:

- Annoyingly spelled words

- Thyme

- Bye

- neutral

- aim

- Of

- Hours

- occasion

- Hyperbole

- align

- Jewelry

- column

- gnessi --type of rock

- rapport

- cache

- Furloughed

- emphasize

- essential

- depot

- nonetheless

- notwithstanding

- nevertheless

- hawk

- castle

- curious

- pamphlet

- divvy - rare double 'vv' in word

- pneumonia (20200228)

- syrup (20200621)

- Fridge vs frigerator

- Meme (silent e) (20200801)

- Hatred (missing silent e , "hat'e'red" 20200903)

- Sayings meaning

- Whippersnapper - woman snaps and wips

- Mulling it over

- The whole kit and caboodle

- "Well I'll be a ring tailed mother fucker" -oran 20200712

- Phlegm - 20201119 (from harry potter book chapter)

- When - 20201204 silent "h" wen

- Eerie - just plain weird Has lots of e's 20201215

- curious

- building - u is silent (2020/3/21)

- breathe - ending e has actual effect on word! (20201128)

- hygiene

- curious - uses "ious" and is frankly un-spellanble 20210413

- poor VS pore VS pour : annoying homnim 20210509

- Enjoy : has cool shaped word with the "j" hugging the "n" in "nj" 20210523

- apposite (the opposite of "opposite" found in relation to google of pertinent ) 20210701

- tchotchke - easy to say impossible to spell! And common! 20210819 from comic book called haphaven - norm harper

- Cool words

- anxiety (COOL shaped word)

- Backronym

- ominous

- lots of vouls

- renewal (Phonetic word (awesome!)

- Aviatrix - femail pilot 20201218

- Good Mornight - contraction of good morning and good night [coined by me] ~(2021/02/01)

- Demonym - Meaning: identifies a group of people in relation to a particular place ~ 20210419 from here [North America - Wikipedia](

- funny words/interesting

- erection (n.)[mid-15c., "establishment; advancement," from Late Latin erectionem (nominative erectio), noun of action from past participle stem of erigere "to set up, erect" (see erect (adj.)). Meanings "the putting up" (of a building, etc.), "stiffening of the penis" (also sometimes of the turgidity and rigidity of the clitoris) are both from 1590s.]

- Airports - think about what air-port means! its a updated term for shipping ports but for the sky! cool shit: 20210602

- Favorite word

- apricity - The warmth of the Sun in winter . 0 k

reticulated ex reticulated python

- Words that are rare on alone, but common used in phrase or word pariing

- 'Brutal' murder : `Rare word in a common saying` [Brutal vs murder Google Ngram Viewer](

- potbelly

- modern pots arnt shaped like coldrens anymore, and have sides that are stright, this is due to manufacturablity is easier with stright sides. also is less metal to product

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