25-million book database at Google, which nobody allowed to read.

What the google tried to do was nothing short of amazing.
scan all the books in the world.
Lawsuit killed it.
But not for the reason you'd think.
the lawsuit was actually going to save it!
a unusual class action was going to give full access to google all old orphined book copywrites to google.

that way the public can access them.
Where i have "totally fucked" in the image above.
is books that are totally impossible to find who owns the copy write.
Book publishing isn’t the healthiest industry in the world, and individual authors don’t make any money out of out-of-print books
from the article by
which makes all the public domain books held hosteage by law, and greed.
Weirdly google is both the villain and the savor of this story.
we almost had a win-win-win for publishers, authors, and the public.
what killed it?
the DOJ. and authors who felt it didnt go far enough or too little.
enemy of good enough is perfect.
if any mega rich person is reading this.
please buy that database. and get it released to the public. god dam.
what if google gets hit by a cyber ransomware attack. kills everything. there should at lease be some backup.
the case is called
Authors Guild, Inc. v. Google, Inc.
Legal case U.S. copyright law case, 2015
please go read the orginal article.

by boots megee